We ask that clients be in the studio and checked in at start time and ready to enter class. NEW CLIENTS may NOT enter class if they are not in the studio at least 5 minutes before to allow time for our staff to get you set up on your bike.

Doors will be locked 5 minutes after the start of class.No entry will be allowed after this time unless you have called in advance to inform our staff of your anticipated late arrival.

If a class is full and you are not present or have not notified us that you are on the way by the scheduled class time, it is considered a no-show and we reserve the right to assign your spot to another person on the wait-list or on stand by.

We ask that you stay for the entire class and wait to be dismissed by your instructor.


Cellphones are noT permitted in the studio during class unless there is an emergency. Please store your phone in a locked locker or safely leave it in your car before class.